Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Adaptation...A way of life...

After gaining background knowledge of adaptations, squid, and the squid’s many adaptations, our class dissected squid last week.  Based on your knowledge, which adaptation do you believe is the most important for the squid?

Your response will be graded using the following criteria:
  1. Mechanics: Your comment should be written in complete sentences with very few spelling, punctuation, or capitalization errors.
  2. Audience: Your writing is clear and explains ideas so readers outside of our classroom understand them.
  3. Content: The content is accurate and shows the writer understands the science concepts presented.


  1. The squids that we dissected had many adaptations, but I think the adaptation that is the most important is the two tentacles. These are important because that is how they get the food into their mouths. Without these, how would the squid be able to get the food into its mouth? The tentacles are also important because they can reach out and grab their food from a greater distance. This is safer for the squid. It can cause less harm for the squid. These tentacles are fast. They can grab the food fast enough so the prey doesn't have enough time to react. Those are just a few of the reasons why the tentacles are the best and most helpful adaptation in my opinion.

    1. I agree with Sydney because the tentacles trap the prey and drag it in. The tentacles are the things that really bring the food in the the rest of the body. The squid has no extremely long arms that are so very capable of this. Some times like on a Humboldt squid this adaptation is very unneeded for such large animals. The smaller species might need this because of the size of the prey and the size of the predator.

  2. I believe that the most important adaptation for the squid is its beak. The beak provides a safe and simple way for the squid to digest its food. When the squid catches its food, the beak breaks down the catch into small pieces that travel through the esophagus, a large, narrow tube that travels through the brain of the squid. If the squid did not have a beak, it would attempt to consume too large quantities of food. When this happens, the large pieces of food would pass through the brain and cause damage. Without the beak, the squid would face brain injuries, or potentially die. That is why the beak is the most important adaptation of the squid.
    -Christine A.

  3. I think that the most important adaptation for the squids we dissected would defenitly be the tentacles. I think this because, this is what it mainly uses to catch its prey. Think about it. If the squid didnt have tentacles it couldn't snatch them that quickly. It would have a hard time catching food. Making it harder to survive.


  4. The most important adaptation of the squid is its gills. The reason a squid can breath and stay at the bottom to catch its food is its gills. If you can't breath then you can't live. They are also "bottom feeders" so if they have to come up to breath a lot then how will the ever catch their food. Also It does not look like a squid could jump out of the water so it still needs a way to breath. Even though the points above are good and it needs to be able to catch its food, the gills are most important. Why catch food if your dead and can't breath? This is why the squids most important adaptation is its gills.
    ~Lindsey P.

    1. I agree with Lindsey and her point that gills are the most important adaptation for the squid. I agree with her because the gills are essential for squid's underwater survival. The squid would not even be alive if it was not for the gills. The gills were also probably one of the first adaptations just so the squid could live underwater. Also if squid were like mammals and came up for air frequently, then all the other adaptations made for the Bethnic zone would be useless because the squid would have to stay near the water's surface.
      ~Isabella S.

  5. The sqid that we dissected in class had many adaptations, but the most important adaptation that the squid had was it's beak. The most important adaptation is the beak because it is used for many things. For example, the squid uses its beak to eat. Not only to eat, but to rip smaller bits of flesh off of their prey. This is essential because the esophogus runs through their brain, and if the squid eats too large of a bite then the esophogus would expand and the brain would be damaged. The squid that we dissected had many adaptations, but the beak is the most important one of them all!

  6. I agree with Sydney because the tentacles help the squids eat. They drag in the prey, and helps the prey get to their mouth. This would be important, just a Sydney said, because they need to eat to survive. If I were Sydney, I would have also added about how the tentacles only do part of the work. The beak does the other part. Such as, actually eating and ripping off smaller pieces of the prey.

  7. I think that the squid that we dissected's most important adaptation is the small tentacales. I think this because when the long tentacals grab the prey the small tentacales hold the prey to prevent it from escaping. While the beak tears and rips of bits of flesh from the prey.

  8. I agree with Sydney because the tentacles help the squid a lot. The tentacles help bring the prey in to get to the mouth. This would be very important because what Sydney said they need to eat to survive. But also Emma is right about the beak part.

  9. I agree with Isabella because if the squid has to go up to the surface of the ocean every so often then it has almost no time to catch food meaning it starves itself or if it does find food it would take too long to eat it and the squid would suffocate. Although I agree with most of what Isabella said, I disagree with the fact that she said squid live in the benthic zone. They do not because if they did that would mean they are a crawler. Because they swim in the deep ocean, then they live in the oceanic zone.
    ~Carly T.

  10. The most important adaptation to the squid that i think is 1, the tentacles 2, the beak and 3, the ink pen. I thought the tentacles because the tentacles have suction cups so they can keep there prey near there beak and keeping them from getting away from them. The beak because if it didn't have it, it would have to eat plants, but it has one so it can eat chunks off of the animals. The ink pen because if a predator is coming it needs to get away from it quickly.

  11. All though all of the comments above are correct, I believe the gills are the most important adaption that the squid has. I believe the gills are the most important adaption in many ways. First of all without it's gills it could not live in the Bethnic zone. The adaptions that the squid has need to be adaptions that are used in the Bethnic zone. If the squid didn't have gills then it would probably be like the dolphins or sea turtles. Those animals have to take breaths above the water. If this were the squid then the adaptions of the squid would have to change. All of it would change, what it eats, how it catches it's food, and so on. Every adaption connects to the gills if you think about it. You would not have the tentacles that grab prey if it weren't for the gills. The gills don't only help it survive, it helps all of the other adaptions work correctly and efficiently. That is why i believe that the gills are the most important adaption that the squid has.

  12. I agree with both Lindsey and Dominic because like Lindsey said if the squid didn't have any gills it couldn't breath in the deep waters it lives in just like us humans need lungs to breath oxygen. The squid also needs its tentacles because if it did not have tentacles then it could not grab its food and eat. If the squid did not have its tentacles then it could also not swim or move as easily.

  13. I agree with Sydney. I think the most important adaptation is the tentacles. If the squid didn't have tentacles, then it would have to get a lot closer to its prey to catch it, making the prey scared and dashing away before the squid could hunt it. Also, the tentacles make it possible for the squid to bring its prey to the mouth.

  14. I agree with everybody who said that the tentacles are the squid's greatest adaptation. A squid's tentacles are highly important for the squid to catch prey. Imagine a squid without tentacles; how would they get their food? The tentacles of a squid are quick enough to catch prey, and once the prey is caught, it's practically impossible to get free. I also agree that the gills are necessary for the squid to live, or else it would have to change its lifestyle.

  15. I believe that the eyes are the most important part of the squid. I agree with ever one on their adaptations but the one problem they have is that how could they catch their prey without seeing it first. The most important thing about the eyes is that the pupal can see in the day and more importantly the night. That is why they mostly hunt at night. that was one of the features the second one is the gills or lungs, because how in the world are fish able to breath under water with out air.

  16. I agree with Sydney that the two tentacles are the most important adaption for the squid, because without the tentacles it would be really hard for it catch its prey. For example normally its prey would have their eyes on the side of their heads, so when the squid is sneaking up on its prey it would get to close and the prey would notice the squid before it can reach it because it doesn't have the long tentacles to reach out and grab its prey before it gets away. The tentacles also reel in its prey, if the squid didn't have the tentacles when the squid gets its prey with all the other arms but when it pulls it to its mouth the other arms would get tangled allowing the prey to escape.

  17. I agree with Dominic and Cheyenne because, if the squid has no gills it can not breath. And if the squid were to not have and tentacles it would not be able to catch it's pray. And, be able to eat without having to was a bunch of energy. just like humans adapt.

    ~Jordan F.

  18. Although the squid we dissected had many awesome adaptations, the most important adaptation to me was the beak. Without the beak the squid would have a much harder time eating it's prey and there is a high chance it would lose the prey before getting to eat it. Another reason I believe the squids beak is the most important adaption is that the beak has to tear tiny chunks of food away from its prey. This is a vital adaptation because the esophagus of the squid runs through the brain. If the piece is to big, the squid could have its brain "explode" and die..

  19. I agree with Sydney, Cristina, and Cheyenne. They all have a point, the squid needs two long tentacles to grab food to eat and the beak breaks down that food that the tentacles grabbed. Also the gills help the squid to breath underwater to be able to survive the deep ocean floors where they sleep during the day and hunt at night. But another adaption that is not mentioned above would be the squid’s eyes. Their eyes help them seek pray when it is dark at night, and their eyes are on the front of their heads since they are not the prey but, they are the predator. While they hunt their prey and their eyes help them see their prey better late at night, when the little fishes go out to feed on the algae. Also another adaption would be their ink sack that they use only when they need to. Their ink sack it the last thing that they go for when they are out of other option. It is their last option because it takes so long to refill back up again before they can use it again. The squid has many wonderful adaptations but these are just the ones that I think are the most important to the squid to survive the depths of the ocean.

  20. I think the most important adaptation is the pen. Without then pen the squid would just be a blob. Without the pen the squid would also have no abbilty to swim. THe squid could not live withot the pen.

  21. All of these adaptations are correct but I think the most important adaptation has to be the pen, The pen keeps the body in shape for all the other adaptations like the gills and the whole body from not being able to stay in its true form. For example, if a squid didn't have a pen, the body would be all flimsy and wouldn't be able to be a "torpedo" while moving in the water. The body would not be able to stay it's shape and it would become an easy target for predators like sharks or bigger squid. The pen also acts as the "backbone" of the squid. If it did not have this it would not move/swim as easily as it could with a pen. This is why I think the pen is the most important adaptation.

  22. Although all the adaptations for the squid are very important I agree with Lindsey and Isabella that the squids most important adaptation are the gills so it could breath underwater. I agree with Lindsey's point that if it didn't have gills it wouldn’t be a bottom feeder and would need to come up for air a lot. I also agree with Isabella’s point on how if the squid did come up for air like other mammals all the other adaptations would be useless, for example the big huge eyes that bring in as much light as possible at night so they can see while they hunt would be useless because if they couldn’t see then they couldn’t grab the food with their tentacles and they too would be useless. I also think since the squid's body is made for the deep air pressure coming up for air would kill the squid so it needs it’s gills more than anything to live.

  23. I agree with Emma that the beak is the most important adaptation since it crunches food into smaller pieces to eat. If it couldn’t do that the squid would only be able to eat a certain amount of fish. But I also agree with Sydney. The tentacles are equally important. They grab the food and bring it into the beak where the beak makes smaller pieces. The tentacles and the beak both work as a team.

  24. I also agree with Lindsey and Dom because without gills the squid would not be able to live in deep waters, but also they would not be able to live. Just think about that. What would they use to get the very little amount of oxygen they need to survive into there bodies. That is like a human without a mouth and nose . You just can't survive.

  25. I believe that the squids greatest adaptation is their beak. The Beak has many great reasons for being the greatest adaption. The beak cuts the food down into smaller pieces. The mouth leads to the Esophagus, which travels behind the brain. If the beak didn't chop the food, then they would be too big and could fracture or wreck the brain which could leave the squid paralyzed.
    -Reece N.

  26. I agree with Heather. The Pen is the most important part. Imagine us without a spine. What would we do? I also think that the ink sack is a important part of the squid. When it needs a distraction, it can have that advantage. How many of us have used the trick where you point to something and then run away? We were not in life threatening places, but we wanted to get away. When a Squid wants to get away, it has chance.

  27. From the squid we dissected, I agree with Sydney on the tentacles being the most important adaption. The tentacles help the squid hold and grab the prey. They also pull the food to the arms, which hold the prey while the beak eats the food.

  28. I agree with Josie. The gills of a squid are4 the most important because without them they would not live. This is like us without a mouth or nose to breath. Also the beak is very important. They use it to eat there food. Again, they would not be able to live without them. It is sharp so the squid can tear off there food into pieces they can handle.

  29. I think that when you have a squid that has a pen for its spine, then is makes not having bones not such a big deal. If it did not have a pen then it would make swimming very hard. If they did not have a pen then it would be hard to avoid extinction because it would not be hard to Eat your meal when it is just sitting there.

  30. The most important adaptation that the squid has is it’s tentacles. A squid’s tentacles can be used for many different things. One of the things they can be used for is swimming, the squid is an aquatic animal so therefore is has to be able to swim to survive. Another way the squid uses it’s tentacles is to catch it’s prey. Since the tentacles are long it can catch it’s prey from a safer distance. One cool thing about the squid’s tentacles are that they have suction cups that make it easier for the squid to grip it’s prey. Since the squid’s tentacles help the squid swim, hunt, and grip it’s prey, it's the best adaptation.
